
- There is vital importance to knowing who God is the Manufacturer and understanding his original intent for creating humanity. The other six parts can be fulfilled and attained, but without a relationship with your Creator, then you will always be left searching.


A big part of knowing yourself is having a connection to the very thing that created you. This knowledge is where your purpose is discovered, and your vision is shaped to fulfill while you are on earth and make an impact in other people's lives. The creator has created you with everything you need to become. But at the end of the day knowing is half of it and the other half is what do you believe yourself. These two must match; it is not merely just a belief but has to cross over your belief system about yourself.


Your belief systems are made up of all the information that you have allowed to enter your mind. Whether you have consumed information, it's via books, TV, Radio, ads, social media, or the internet. If you consume these ideology, philosophy, or school of thoughts long enough, then they become your systems of beliefs. I go more in-depth on this part "Belief." To learn more about Kingdom, and Genesis MIndset subscribe to KingdomAcademy.Online Youtube Channel and check out the website.​


Love is an action and much more than a feeling. Love is express best when you first love yourself. Being in the position is when love is the outflow and not just an act that seems more like labor but an actual intent. Feelings matter, but genuine love is about commitment at the end. I don't care about how you feel. I care more about what you're committed to doing. Don't make permanent decisions during a temporary situation because of high emotions. Instead, go back to the commitment that was created when love was flourishing. ​


This part of the 7 Parts of the "Good Life" maybe the most practical and straightforward, but its the most neglected. It's easy to do and easy not to do. We know so much about this topic, but we find ourselves unhealthy, physically, mentally, and spiritually. There are so many books on these topics. I think there should be a more straightforward way to get healthy. I think using some common sense and reasonable adjustments first is vital, then getting experts to help once you put in some time committing to changing your health.


Wealth is produced and made in many ways, but how you make your wealth is the essential factor. How you make money is vital to having the other part of the 7 Parts of the "Good Life." Do you love what you do? Are you doing what makes you happy? Your work or job will take up most of your time in the life you have been given, so it might as well be work you can do well that comes from your strengths. Wealth can be the toughest out of the seven parts and is the part that keeps you from making more time for the other 6.


Joy should be the result of everything you do or decide to pursue. I think this is why choice is directly linked to experiencing joy because you get to choose your perspective in all of what life comes with. There are good and not so goods in life that come with the experience. I think Joy's meaning is experiencing all the emotions of life and having an outlook that chooses to be happy regardless of how bad things can get. Joy is an action that one must select that overcomes any situation or obstacle in life. ​No matter what, you get to pick if joy is the result you want in life.

Why I Started 7 Parts of the "Good Life" Project

At 37 years old, I realize that life is short and that life is also long. I wanted to create something purposeful and build something that would have unlimited topics I can create content for in my lifetime to pass on the next generations. So I came up with the 7 Parts Of The "Good Life." Culturally we know the "Good Life" by having four parts health, wealth, love, and happiness. But I have met people who all four and still searching. That is why I added three more so that, in the end, you will not be left still searching for the meaning of life. I desire to impact a billion people with my life, and this my quest to fulfill that vision. Thanks for your time in consuming some content and reach out to me to let me know how I can help in your journey.
Wilmar Calaguas
Project Founder & Content Creator